There are not enough words in the English vocabulary to express how excited I am about what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will do through our church.  I believe that God has provided us with a unique opportunity through our “A Time to Build” Campaign. As we focus on this Capital Stewardship Campaign, I want you to reflect on God‘s blessings in your life and upon our church. Certainly,  we cannot help but feel gratitude and anticipation.  I am confident that “A Time to Build” will open new doors of opportunity for New Season as we provide a spectacular atmosphere for our children, and add additional space that we need to reach more people.  As we enter into the spiritual journey of generosity as a church, I am reminded that the Kingdom of God moves at the speed of sacrifice, which is ultimately displayed for us through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. I am inviting you on this spiritual journey, to be part of the movement and experience God’s blessing with us. It’s time to build!
We are now challenged to go over and above our current giving.  This will requires diligent prayer, faith and obedience to God‘s leading. I genuinely believe that the people of New Season are ready for the challenge that this campaign offers. Let us enter boldly into this endeavor, believing in God’s provision and grace.  With a heart full of gratitude and faith, I ask you to consider your part in this campaign. What we accomplish together will benefit many. It will take all of us doing our part!  May the Lord bless you and keep you, and may His name be glorified in this endeavor. It’s a time to build!
Pastor Steve

campaign purpose


Some of the main features of Phase 1 will include the brand new addition of a grand entrance and foyer area. This space will allow us to relocate our main entrance to the side of the building and give us a great space for gathering, fellowshipping, and just having a cup of coffee together. Our Coffee Cafe and all of Guest Services will relocate to this area. We will also have seating areas for conversations that will lead to lasting friendships. We will create a merchandise space where you can get all of your New Season gear. As a part of the addition we will also be relocating our main restroom facilities and expanding them greatly.
Moving our main entrance will allow us to utilize the current front lobby as our brand new kids’ check-in area and family lobby. This space will allow parents with kids to enter into an amazing, kid- friendly environment where they will have plenty of room to take their time with checking in their kids and connecting with the awesome preschool and elementary leaders.
Along with the addition of this new check-in lobby will be the assurance of safety and security for all of our children. In this renovation, we will be able to secure our entire preschool and elementary wings giving parents that much needed assurance that their kids are safe and secure while they have a blast and learn about Jesus.
When your kids walk through those doors from the family lobby into our kids ministry environment, they will be blown away with how awesome and amazing that space is. We plan to completely renovate and create irresistible environments for all of our kids.
We can’t forget the brand new kids’ restrooms with kid-friendly fixtures! These restrooms will be located within the secured hallways. No more kids having to go to the adult restroom! Our children are the church of tomorrow and we want to show them great value today. It is time to build!

project highlights

Here are a few pictures of our project.  If you would like to see more details Click the Button Below


Pastor Steve, along with the leadership, have been seeking wisdom and praying earnestly to hear God’s will in this process. We have three potential goals in this campaign. The Commitment goal is set at $1.5 million. The second goal, which is our Faith goal is set at an attainable $1.8 million, but we believe God is big enough to raise our Victory goal of $2 million.
In celebration of God leading us through this journey, our church family made our initial commitments on Sunday, May 15th, 2022,, and then we took the next step as we put our faith into action and watched God fulfill His vision for our church. On Sunday June 12th, 2022 we shared those initial results of all our efforts and celebrated the results in anticipation for what is to come.  But the story continues and you can be a part of it.  Wether you are new to New Season, or you've been here a while and just now have decided to join in on a Time to Build; welcome to the story and thank you for considering what the Lord would have you to do to be a part. 


  • First and foremost, please pray regularly for A Time to Build campaign.
  • Participate in the events and meetings that we announce.  Make a commitment to learn as much as you can about the campaign, and the vision it will help us realize.
  • Make a commitment.  Below you will find a commitment card that you can print out , fill out and bring to church.  The commitment card helps the leadership of the church to get a read on where we are and what we can expect.
  • Give sacrificially. My favorite definition of sacrifice is giving up something you like for something or someone you love. The vision God has granted us can only be achieved through faith and sacrifice. God is not looking for equal gifts, but certainly equal sacrifice. We have the privilege to be a part of growing His Kingdom, and impacting our community!  There is a button below that you can hit to start giving.  Simply choose a Time To build in the drop down menu and you are set to go. 
  • Ask questions.  Ask as many questions as you would like.  We want everyone to be well informed and very excited about A Time to Build.


As of May 29, 2024
Amount Pledged:  $1,013,000.00
Amount given to date: $833, 847.93

1.  Those who made a pledge—“Thank you.  We are able to do what we are doing because of you.”
2.     Those who have not made a pledge—“Join the team.  We need you now.”  
The reason for the pledge is so that leadership can be good stewards in their planning.  
Commitment cards in the seat backs in the auditorium or you can download one from this page.
3.     Those who are new—“We always knew you were coming!  That is why we are doing this.  We would love to tell you our story.  
Join us for our next Starting Point luncheon and learn more about A Time To Build.  You can sign up for our next Starting Point by Clicking HERE.

Want more information on our A Time to Build Campaign?

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